Local walks around Leckhampton
These walks will take you around Leckhampton and tell you a little about its history on the way. The walks range from an hour to 3 hours for the longest walk. Most are on the flat, but wear boots and take a map and something to eat and drink on the two walks that go up onto the hill.
These walks follow the same route as the history walks above. They were written during the Covid-19 crisis of 2020, to provide an opportunity for families to get out and enjoy nature in the Leckhampton area.
- Walk 1 - St.Peter's Church and its Yard
- Walk 2 - The Old Village
- Walk 3 - The Lower Hill
- Walk 4 - The Upper Hill
- Walk 5 - The Farms and Fields
- Walk 6 - Transport & Trackways
These walks follow the same route as the history walks above. They were written during the Covid-19 crisis of 2020, to provide an opportunity for families to get out and enjoy nature in the Leckhampton area.
- Natural History Walk 1 - St.Peter's Church and its Yard
- Natural History Walk 2 - The Old Village
- Natural History Walk 3 - The Lower Hill
- Natural History Walk 4 - The Upper Hill
- Natural History Walk 5 - The Farms & Fields