If you are looking for family history or genealogical information, such as the origin of a name, a record on a tombstone etc go to our Family History page.
You can use your browser to search the following papers and pages for sources of information about the locality of Leckhampton.
Smoke Signal , the society's newsletter. Back numbers, which also contain short research articles, are available - see Publications page .
Did you ever wonder about the origin of Kidnappers Lane?
Leckhampton in the Second World War Editors: Eric Miller, John Randall & Amy Woolacott (£4.95) Open PDF
Leckhampton Yesteryear [Revised Edition, 2021]
Eric Miller
Order a copy for £3 direct from Eric or from me (Paul) the webmaster.
Frederick William Henry Myers and the link with Cambridge Open PDF
The Leckhampton Hill Riots Centenary (2006) Open PDF
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You can use your browser to search the following papers and pages for sources of information about the locality of Leckhampton.
Smoke Signal , the society's newsletter. Back numbers, which also contain short research articles, are available - see Publications page .
Did you ever wonder about the origin of Kidnappers Lane?
Leckhampton in the Second World War Editors: Eric Miller, John Randall & Amy Woolacott (£4.95) Open PDF
Leckhampton Yesteryear [Revised Edition, 2021]
Eric Miller
Order a copy for £3 direct from Eric or from me (Paul) the webmaster.
Frederick William Henry Myers and the link with Cambridge Open PDF
The Leckhampton Hill Riots Centenary (2006) Open PDF
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